CHS Auditorium
Our 400-seat performing arts facility hosts various school and community events throughout the year.
The 42′ wide, 35′ deep stage floor space can be altered with a variety of curtain positions to meet a range of needs from a full band to a solo artist.
Grand Piano Usage
Our 7ft. Kawai Grand Piano may used upon request. This piano is tuned periodically throughout the year. This piano is kept in a locked room and only available upon prior request. There is an upright rehearsal piano that can always be accessed.
Contact the CHS Auditorium Manager to inquire about available dates and a quote for use. Requested dates and times for your event are subject to availability based on both our auditorium and school calendars.
Contact Information
Brent Purvis – CHS Auditorium Manager
(509) 684-7800 x 7607
*** – For all other CHS Facility Requests (ex. cafeteria, gymnasium, etc…), please contact the Colville High School main office at: (509) 684-7800

Auditorium Facility Rental
Rental Procedure
Contact: Brent Purvis
(509) 684-7800 x.7607
Rental Rates
Auditorium Facility Rental – $35 per hour
** – hourly charges apply for the entire time the facility will be used, including: rehearsals, performances, setup, and cleanup.
Tech Support Rates
Student Tech Support Rate – $10 per hour
** – Based on the complexity of your event needs, a recommendation will be given to you concerning technical support. If you plan to use any sound system, lighting system or staging equipment, a CHS trained technician MUST be hired for your event. Some events may require more than one technician.
Auditorium Technical Provisions
Colville High School Auditorium Basic Tech Provisions
Basic Sound Support
House Sound System (speaker coverage throughout auditorium)
4- Microphones (Sennheiser 835 Dynamic Cardioid) w/cables
2- Wireless Handheld Microphone
2- Wireless Lapel Microphone
4- Microphone Boom Stands
2- Stage Monitor Speakers (1 Mix) w/cables
2- Direct Boxes w/XLR cables
Ability to Play Audio from CPU’s, Phones, etc…
** – Any sound reinforcement needs beyond the basic support package should be requested in advanced. Advanced sound support may require additional fees for tech support.
Basic Stage Lighting Support
Full Stage Flood (Dimmable)
House Lights (Dimmable)
** – Any lighting needs beyond the basic support package should be requested in advanced. Advanced lighting support may require additional fees for tech support.
Main (Down) Traveler
Mid-Stage Traveler
Up-Stage Traveler
Various Legs
Upstage White Scrim Curtain (must be pre-approved for use, fee may apply)
1- Podium
American & Washington Flags
8- Choral Risers (3 tiered)
Stage Risers (4’x8′)
7 ft. Kawai Grand Piano (must be pre-approved for use)
Upright Rehearsal Piano
2- Extension Cords w/plug-in strips
20- Black Chairs
2- Music Stands
1- Projector + Screen w/hookups for a laptop (audio can be send to house sound system from laptop if requested in advance)
When you use our facility, our Production Tech crew will provide support for your event. Our team is trained on all of the above sound, lighting, curtain and staging equipment.