Principal's Message
Welcome to Colville Junior High!
Thank you for enrolling your student in our school, home of our new mascot, the Raptor. I am thrilled to share our junior high school with a dedicated staff, outstanding students, committed families, and supportive community. This Student Parent Handbook serves as a tool to guide students and families in identifying the resources available and describe the procedures and policies that are in place to support all learners.
Along with our new mascot, we are incorporating the Positive Behavior and Intervention Supports or PBIS into our school. Please read more about this later on in the handbook. New to us this year is also a program called Character Strong which we will use to teach and reinforce good character for our students.
Our staff has been working since late spring to be ready for this school year and making it the best ever. We are committed to serving our students with academic and social lessons that will engage them and prepare them for success in the future.
I strive for open communication between staff members, parents, and students to ensure we are all working together towards the common goal of students’ academic and social success. All of us look forward to a great school year and know that working together will ensure a successful school experience for your child.
Chris Burch
Colville Junior High School Principal