The CHS Greenhouse Plant Sale is coming up soon!
3 months ago, Colville High School
CHS Greenhouse Plant Sale
Our 3rd Quarter “B or Better Bash” was on April 18th. 140 Students whose grades were all B or Better on their 3rd quarter report card qualified for the event. These students got to miss 7th period and participate in fun outdoor games and activities. Brandi Flugel and Katy Peterman planned an exciting event to reward these students for a job well done! (photo credit Alli Petry)
3 months ago, Colville High School
Q3 #1
Q3 #2
Q3 #4
Q3 #5
Q3 #6
Q3 #8
Q3 #9
Q3 #10
Students at our Colville Fish Hatchery successfully shipped out 2,000 rainbow trout to Rocky Lake, Big Meadow, and Sacheen Lakes on April 17th with the help of WDFW staff (a former hatchery student!). The class paid off the 2024 mortgage with a credit towards next year's payment. The hatchery has also been busy with hatchery visits and tours for our local elementary and junior high schools, families, and homeschool groups. The class is also working with the Stevens County Conservation district and various other agencies to replace and update the rearing pond and dam on site with start-up funds from our generous donation made earlier by Tech America. Thank you WDFW staff, Stevens County Conservation District, and Tech America!
3 months ago, Colville High School
separating fish
avoiding the splash
putting fish in basket
Weighing basket
Total weight
Yearbooks are on sale! Purchase one before May 3rd to be guaranteed a book. After May 3rd, it’s first come, first serve. Yearbooks cost $55 each.
3 months ago, Colville High School
There is no substitute for blood and it can't be manufactured. Please consider donating blood at the final Blood Drive of the year on May 2nd from 9am-1pm. Sign up here:
3 months ago, Colville High School
May Blood Drive
Yesterday the Forestry class competed in the Stevens County Conservation District forestry contest at Douglas Falls against 2 other schools, Wenatchee and Garfield-palouse. Colville students were divided into three teams. Students competed in 9 different practicums. Awards were given to the top three of each. There were a lot of personal bests and their skill level really shined yesterday. Way to go Hawks! Results from yesterday. Overall Team placing for the contest 1st - Colville Team 1 - Olivia Kroll, Sierra Guatney, Kalynn Gaither, Emma Newby, Kendra Lewis, and Skyla McKinney 2nd - Wenatchee 3rd - Garfield-palouse 4th - Colville 2 - Shelby Emra, Breadon Heater, Cadence Canada, Shailey Maupon, and Ethan Redberg. 5th - Colville 3. Dustin Riggins, Evan Miller, Alexis Collett, and Levi Guatney. Six students will advance to the competition in Wenatchee next week; Olivia Kroll, Skyla McKinney, Emma Newby, Sierra Guatney, Kalynn Gaither, and Kendra Lewis. Please congratulate them!
3 months ago, Colville High School
Forestry Chain saw
Forestry Tree ID
Colville High School sent two teams to the SkillsUSA State Championships for Additive Manufacturing hosted in Tacoma, Washington. The Washington State Championships hosted over 1400 students competing in just over 90 events. Our students did a great job with one team placing 3rd in the state. All of our students had fun, learned a lot, and represented Colville High School very professionally!
3 months ago, Colville High School
Skills USA 2
Skills USA 1
The Colville School District will be having Parent-Teacher Conferences next week on Monday, March 25th. This is a non school day for students. If you have questions or need to schedule a conference, please call your student's school office. Thank you!
4 months ago, Colville School District
Parent Teacher Conferences
The CHS Interact Club's theme for this year is "Recycling". They have big plans this year to promote recycling at the high school and in our community. In December, they did a clothing drive, which was a successful fundraiser for their club. The company used was Fundrive which is associated with the Value Village stores and another international company. They collected 1,474 lbs of shoes and clothing, for which they received around $300. It was a smooth process. They took the clothes to Value Village on Wellesley Ave in Spokane. They weighed the bags and received a tour of the facility. Whatever clothing items were not selected to sell locally, were placed in a machine that compacts the clothes into bales. These bales are shipped abroad where items are sewn up, cleansed or cut up and reused. Along the way, these donated clothes create jobs both in the US and abroad. It was a great experience. Mr. and Mrs. Peterman, Mrs. McGuire, Nijal Evje, Ella Peterman, and Shaalin Jaiswal helped load up and take the clothing to Spokane. In February, the CHS Interact Club acquired blue aluminum can recycling bins for our school. These blue bins have been placed around campus including the hallways, library, and the cafeteria for staff and students to use for their aluminum cans. This month, the Interact Club toured a local Earthship home. Earthship homes are designed and built to be entirely autonomous with minimal-to-no reliance on traditional, on-grid utilities. The structure itself works to eliminate as much consumer waste as possible from ending up in a landfill or littering the environment by incorporating trash into the actual building. The club will also visit the Little Pend Oreille Wildlife Refuge in April and participate in the dump cleanup day in May. Finally, the Interact Club is having another recycling / fundraising event until May 2. Please help us by donating used clothing, shoes, jewelry, hats, bedding, curtains, and tablecloths. All items need to be clean and placed in white or black garbage bags. Bring the bags to the CHS front office. Thank you for recycling and helping the Interact Club and the environment!
4 months ago, Colville High School
Interact Rotary International Logo
Trooper Romaneschi from the Washington State Patrol came to Mr. Heideman's Physics 112 class today and presented on how they use physics to analyze accidents. He explained how they collect evidence and use physics principles, such as momentum, the center of gravity, forces, rotational motion, Newton's Laws of Motion, and friction to determine what happened during a traffic accident. Additionally, he emphasized to students the important role of seatbelts and how they function to protect people during an accident!
4 months ago, Colville High School
Physics 1
Physics 2
Physics 3
Colville High School drama club presents “The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland” this Friday and Saturday, March 8 and 9 at 7:00 PM and again on Sunday, March 10 at 2:00 PM at the Colville High School auditorium. The hour-long show is fun for the entire family. All seats are only $5 and will be sold at the door.
4 months ago, Colville High School
Alice in Wonderland
March Mania Bingo is tomorrow! Please join us for food, fun, and prizes! We have bingo, silent auction items, and raffle prizes. Bingo from 6:00 to 8:00!
5 months ago, Colville High School
March Mania Bingo
FFA week, 2024. As part of a leadership opportunity five FFA members visited Colville Junior High school on February 22, to share with eighth graders the benefits of being in FFA . Members talked about events such as trap shooting, livestock judging, leadership opportunities, showing animals, forestry, and potato judging. Pictured: Luxy Larson, Ava McLeod, Ivy Nelson (Advisor), Cooper Haynes, Kelsea Lewis, and Olivia Kroll. This was a great way to have the FFA members practice public speaking.
5 months ago, Colville High School
FFA Week
Colville High School drama club presents “The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland” on Friday and Saturday, March 8 and 9 at 7:00 PM and again on Sunday, March 10 at 2:00 PM at the Colville High School auditorium. The hour-long show is fun for the entire family. All seats are only $5 and will be sold at the door.
5 months ago, Colville High School
Alice in Wonderland
The CHS AP Physics (Physics 112) and AP Art History classes traveled to Gonzaga University in Spokane last week. They visited the Gonzaga bookstore and had lunch at the campus cafeteria. Then they were given campus tours, met with a financial aid advisor, and had a Q&A session with some current Gonzaga students. It was a great experience for our students!
5 months ago, Colville High School
Gonzaga 1
Gonzaga 2
Gonzaga 3
There are only ten more days until Colville High School ASB's "March Mania Bingo" on March 1st. Please like and share our post to help us advertise this fun event. We hope to see you there! Thank you!
5 months ago, Colville High School
March Mania Bingo
The CHS Creative Writing class's final was focused on national writing competitions and their submissions process. All students selected a contest and prepared a potential entry for next year's deadlines. Several students are preparing multiple entries. Over the summer and next fall, they will work with their teacher to submit their work to the contests in categories such as novels, short stories, creative nonfiction, flash fiction, and poetry.
5 months ago, Colville High School
creative writing
Our Feb. 14th Blood Drive was amazing! We collected a total of 39 units of blood which is 15 more units than we projected and will potentially save the lives of 117 people. Mark your calendars for our final blood drive this year - May 2.
5 months ago, Colville High School
Thank you for donating blood
Colville High School is hosting a “College Track” Parent meeting on Wednesday, February 21st at 6:00 pm in the school library. At this meeting, we will discuss options for students who desire to earn dual credits, college credit at the same time as earning credits towards high school graduation, during their upcoming junior or senior year. There are several options available such as our College in the High School program, Advanced Placement courses, Articulated courses, and Running Start. Any student who is considering, or already enrolled in, any dual credit program should attend this meeting with their parents. Please call the school office if you have any questions. Thank you!
5 months ago, Colville High School
Dear families, some of your students may have received a fake email offering a job at the district, attempting to obtain personal information. Calls, emails, and even websites are easily spoofed. If in doubt please reach out to Learn more:
5 months ago, Zach Levchenko